Vie's Inn of Wonders' Awards

Privacy Policy

All information received by application form and/or e-mail will be handled in the utmost confidentiality, and will never be handed out to any person outside Vie's Inn of Wonders Awards Program...
The only information squadron-steamrollerwe will ever post, is the board's name, its URL, a screenshot and some information about the site, if the site has won one of the awards (and ONLY if they won!)
This information, and this information alone, will be kept into an archive for judges' referral (and in no other way...)
By applying for the awards, you automatically give us the permission to do so (as stated in the criteria).
The tracker on this site is NOT meant in any way as an information gatherer, but just an indication for me towards traffic density.
We have made a personal commitment that all information displayed will be safe for children to view.

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