Vie's Inn of Wonders' Awards
Rewarding excellence in Content...
Specific Criteria and Scoring
NOTE: These criteria are not disqualifiers, and will only cost you points if not adhered to...First impression (max. 10 pts)
This criterion is very important, since this is the basis on how also visitors will perceive your site...
-Professional look (5 pts)
- Will the site interest people enough so they are likely to come back?
- Is an introduction page/image present to softly prepare the reader for the content ahead? If so, does this intro page engage me to look further to the rest of the site?
- If you use a flash intro, is it well-balanced? (Speed, balance text-images, brightness-level, color contrast, sound-volume,... all should make it a pleasant experience.)
- Is the content embedded in a certain serenity (color usage, few animations), to appreciate it even more?
-General coherence (5 pts)
- Are the colors fitting together? Is there a main theme?
- Is all text placed on the "appropriate" place to get to the best possible surfing experience? And the banners? Buttons or navigation bar?
- Is your sound (if applicable) pleasant to listen to and fitting within the site? (An unpleasant sound makes concentration very hard if not impossible...)
Navigation (max. 20 pts)
-Coding correctness (5 pts)
- Do all your coding and scripts (HTML, Javascript,...) work? (An absolute must when reaching for the top...) This means no fragments of coding should be visible, and if something has a purpose or function it should work as intended...
- Does long pages have the possibility to get back to the top of the page, so a visitor can have a chance for a more in depth reading...? And is this done at a regular interval?
-Transparency (15 pts)
- Is your site easy to navigate through? Is every page easy reachable with a minimal amount of steps?
- Is an alternative way of navigation present to enhance the surfing experience? (On some occasions this is definitely a plus)
- Do the links make clear on what it is I will find on the next page? Is the "Big Picture" clearly understandable?
Style (max. 20 pts)
-Complement (5 pts)
- Are there no excessive images that serve no real use? Is there a sufficient amount of images? Because text/content and images have a delicate balance...
- Is the size of the images well fitting with the amount of text present? So the first won't overcrowd the latter...
-Consideration (5 pts)
- Is your navigation bar clearly visible and nicely organized?
- Is your site compatible with the latest versions of Firefox (FF 3.0.9) and Internet Explorer (IE 8.0)?
- Do the fonts used (style and size), as well as the backgrounds, provide the best possible reading experience?
-Page optimization (10 pts)
- Are all your images optimized? (ALT-attribute, height and width-attributes)
- Does every placement within your site have its purpose? (Use of white space, placement of text and images)
- Do the techniques used offer a surplus value towards the site's appearance and content? (5pts)
- Is your site also free of horizontal scrolls in a 800x600 screen resolution? We feel a good designer can make his site look good in any resolution. (-10pts)
Intellectual content (max. 30 pts)
-Reflective content (20 pts)
This is the most important criterion of them all, since this is what it's all about... So what do we like to see?
- All forms of information about philosophy, history, religion, environment, sociology, medicine,... that offers the reader enlightenment AND enables a process of reflection about the matter at hand.
- All forms of discussion about those subjects with views from all angles.
- Literature or the possibility offered to create it.
- Poetry, yet this is a bit more tricky... ONLY those that will have reflection as result, will receive points...
-Linguistics (5 pts)
- Is the site using proper vocabulary and grammar?
-Writing style (5 pts)
- Does the writing style used, reflect an exemplary comprehension of the written English language? (This includes also punctuation)
Errors (max. 10 pts)
- Are all the graphics on your site working? So no red crosses... I can live with a few broken images, but let's keep it at that...
- Are all your links (be it internal or external) working...? Do the external links open consistently? (Either all in a new window or all in the same)
Average speed (max. 10 pts)
- Does your main page load within 1 minute and all other pages within
45 seconds on a 56K modem?
I'll try 3 times, to make sure it's not a server problem...
Process, final scoring and notification
-First impression: 10 pts
-Navigation: 20 pts
-Style: 20 pts
-Intellectual content: 30 pts
-Errors: 10 pts
-Overall speed: 10 pts
That makes a total of 100 points maximum.
(At the judges discretion can an additional 5 bonus points be given for
exceptional aspects in creation or build-up of the site..)
Gold award will be given from 90/100 to 100/100, silver from 80/100 to
89/100, bronze from 70/100 to 79/100 and merit from 60/100 to 69/100...
After the application has been received (by either e-mail and/or form),
you will receive a notice from us informing you of this.
We contact all applicants regardless of the outcome of their evaluation
with scores and feedback, and try to do this within a two to four weeks period.
If you win, it is obligated to link the award image (unaltered), back
to us.
The award received can, at any time in the future, be withdrawn by us,
if we feel one of the conditions (including placement of the award image)
has been violated or the changes made aren't compliant anymore with the
Standards set in this program...
You can re-apply or request an upgrade after 60 days of the last
application and only after clearly visible improvements to your site...
Do you think you meet all the criteria? Then by all means, do apply...
Self Test
Site Map